Greg Hackney
LOCATION: Gonzales, LA
Craziest fish story?
Happened at lake Martin Elite this year. I caught a two-pounder off a boat dock on a jig. I unhooked the bass and dropped the jig over the side of the boat to cull. While I was culling another two-pounder grabbed my jig off the side of the boat and pulled my rod into the water! I was able to take another rod and actually catch the rod with the fish on it! What makes this story even better was my Marshall was a pastor from Georgia. I told him had it not been for him no one would believe a bass in 48-degree dirty water would get the jig hanging on side of my boat. The bass was released safely back in lake Martin.
Who got you into fishing?
My whole family fished from my parents to grandparents on both sides of my family. It’s like I didn’t really have a choice!
Where do you wish you were right now?
I wish I was at Toledo Bend Flipping bushes looking for a tree shaker.
Dream job if you weren't fishing?
My dream job other than the one I have now would be managing a large herd of Whitetail deer I love them as much as a bass.
Least favorite part of your job?
Least favorite part of my job is the time away from my family only drawback to be a professional fisherman.
What makes a good fisherman?
A passion for the Outdoors a desire to understand the impossible.
Something nobody knows about you?
I love to entertain and throw dinner parties. I love to cook.