Brent Ehrler
LOCATION: Redlands, CA
Craziest fish story?
Years ago, my friend lost a rod fishing off the side of the boat. A fish actually pulled it over. We went back to the area a week later. I used a squid jig and started casting it around trying to snag it. On my third cast I hooked a swivel with line attached to it. Pulled the line in and there was his rod.
Who got you into fishing?
My parents were the first ones to get me involved. My dad took me to a local park that had two ponds. I caught bluegill from the bank. My mom was the one that ended up running me all over the place to feed my passion for fishing.
Where do you wish you were right now?
Snow skiing.
Dream job if you weren't fishing?
I always thought I was going to compete in free skiing championships. That was where I thought I was actually going to make a living.
Least favorite part of your job?
The travel time away from home is the worst part of this job. I miss out on a lot of family activities.
What makes a good fisherman?
I believe the ability to be versatile technique wise is what makes me stand out from other Anglers.
Something nobody knows about you?
I’m a sucker for comic book movies.